
Funerals are the one sure thing in life.
Yet it is something that many of us rarely speak about - let alone plan for.
What ever your choice, make sure it is one that you have made and not someone else.
We often believe that our only choice is to have a minister and that it has to be in a church or crematorium.
Today, there are many options. Celebrations can be held at home or in a green burial ground. There is no rush. Your loved one is not going anywhere and for those left behind the decision made is important.
Who can you talk to?
A funeral director is a very good place to start.
However, other options are a minister, independent celebrant or humanist.
A funeral director will guide you as to what each is able to offer. If you and your family want a non religious ceremony, maybe a minister is not the best option for you. However, do you want the other end of the spectrum where no religion is allowed.
Many of our clients say that they or their loved one never went to church, yet they would like “The Lord's Prayer”. This is your celebration of life - not anyone else’s. You need to do what you are comfortable with.
Funeral directors often only use selected ministers, celebrants or humanists. Ask Mr Google and make your own choice. Ask for recommendations from friends.
Even ask to speak to a couple of celebrants before choosing. Like many important events in your life, you only get one chance.
We are happy to talk to you without obligation - at the funeral directors or your home.
Call us for an initial chat.
We are here to help.
07826 339498 - Glenn Mayes, Independent Celebrant
Click here for the Celebrancy Funeral information sheet